2024 Training Dates and Opportunities

All are invited to attend our group training days. New members should try to attend both, returning members at least one.

March 16 – Indoor Training (8am, Utah Valley Hospital, Sorenson Tower, 2nd Floor)

May 11 – Outdoor Training (8:30am, Aspen Grove Theater in the Pines)

Wilderness First Aid Course (WFA): Jordan Dye is offering a WFA course in April. There is 10 hours of online learning and 6 hours of in-person instruction. TERT members get a discount. To register, go to https://preparedacceptance.com/wfa and add both “Wilderness First Aid Hybrid – Online Content” and “WFA In-Person Day”. CPR is included with the course.

We STRONGLY encourage every TERT member to get their Technician Amateur Radio license. Many study aids and exam scheduling are offered at https://hamstudy.org/